Manager's Message

Dear Parents,

                   We all know that education is the basis of all sorts of development. The whole purpose of education is not to confine itself to give bookish knowledge only, but to inculcate humanitarian values such as integrity, courage, sincerity and compassion etc among the students.

                    We trust in holistic education for your child, encompassing academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and other skills.

                    This school is founded on the belief that students should be encouraged to pursue their dreams. This school works towards spending their minds like new petals helping them to identify their interests and to inspire and nourish their individual talents and ability.

                    The campus, sports and academic facilities are the proof of the efforts done in these here. School's key focus has been on faculty development providing teacher training in order to render scale value education and excellence in academics. Teachers are trained not only to teach well but are also expected to instill the confidence and trust in their students. Besides, the school inculcates in the students a respect for tradition, discipline and good manners.

                   This school encourages students to adapt themselves to the constantly changing environment and developing decision making and social skills.

                    Our unique philosophy has already produced significant senses. Our mission, however, has always remained the same. We are, and always will be, a school for the leaders of tomorrow.

                   My special word of thanks to the parents for your constant support and encouragement, extended to our institution from time to time. May God bless you all.


Rev. Fr. John Chiman
